Pensive woman looking out window

For confidentiality, I never use clients’ real names or share the specifics of their spiritual journeys.

“Of all of my siblings and cousins, I’m the only one left.”

“My parents, wife and children have all passed.”

“Everyone in my family has transitioned, yet I’m still here.”

It’s hard enough when someone we care deeply for has passed. It’s even more painful when all our loved ones have passed.

Because we build our lives around connections to close family members and friends, being the last person left can leave us feeling empty and alone.

I’ve had several clients over the years in this situation, and they’ve felt quite despondent. Who can blame them? If you’re in this position too, my heart goes out to you.

It’s a difficult situation to be in. Even more so as we get older, as grandparents, parents, siblings and other family members and friends pass. Whether they transition due to natural causes or traumatic events, the result is the same. We can feel disconnected, isolated or lonely.

In my opinion, and based on my experience, the Spirit World always has a plan. You can think of the Spirit World as God, the Universe, or however you personally relate to that connection to something bigger.

So, what happens when there are no remaining family members, and it’s just you?

Make a New Family

In talking with a number of people in this situation, I’ve observed the happiest individuals find ways to connect with others. Many have lots of hobbies. Some develop even closer bonds with their grandchildren, who help keep them going. Many find solace in their pets, too!

Even if they have a quiet nature, the healthiest individuals seem to make new families. They socialize with others and build friendships.

Maybe you’re an introvert. You’re not going to just go out and start introducing yourself to create new relationships. Okay! But don’t limit yourself to local connections.

I’ve seen many people benefit from the power of online friendships. Visiting together on a virtual platform allows you to share interests and the details of your lives. With online access, your friends can be anywhere in the world (I’ve got some in Europe and Australia!).

Setting up regular visits (every two weeks, once a month, or whatever feels right) can help you develop a rhythm. With a consistent schedule, you both set the time aside and try not to cancel except for highly unusual circumstances.

A Larger Plan

I want to emphasize what I said earlier: The Spirit World always has a plan. Frankly, we may not always understand it. Or we get what’s happening, but we want to challenge it. Oh, how I understand that feeling!

What I’ve noticed for some people — a common theme — is that the plan is about seeing how strong you can be as you grow within your own independence.

That’s not the case for everyone, of course. There are hundreds of pathways in physical world, based on our individual soul journeys or the reason for being in physical form in the first place.

Some people find the lesson involves learning and recognizing within themselves just how much they actually contribute to others. Very often they don’t even realize they matter to others. Why? Because they are just being themselves. They’re not “trying” to do anything.

Two Small Flowers

As an example, my spouse and I recently went away for a long weekend. Our neighbor across the street texted to say she’d planted some small flowers in our backyard.

We’d already given her permission to do that (we love flowers but too busy to plant them ourselves!). Still, that small gesture left her feeling good. By sharing a mutual passion with us, she deepened our connection to her. Probably without a second thought! Our neighbor was just being herself — and it brought us joy.

When you pause and notice these things, however big or small they may be, you can tease apart and recognize how much your life still matters to others. Yes, even when all of your loved ones are in the Spirit World.

Connect With the Spirit World

Please do not forget: You’re here for a reason. It’s not random. You might not recognize that reason at first, but it’s there.

That being said, is it the same as when your loved ones were here in the physical plane with you?

No, it isn’t the same. I’m not going to minimize it. Of course we miss our loved ones!

Obviously, the way we communicate with our loved ones on the Other Side is different. But that doesn’t mean it has to stop. In fact, it shouldn’t!

Even though we can connect with them in the Spirit World, sometimes we don’t recognize their signs until they hit us with a two-by-four!

If you’re in this situation, please remember that even if you may not recognize signs or get visit dreams the way you’d like, it’s okay to ASK your loved ones in the Spirit World to send you signs in a way that you can understand them.

Above all, keep your eyes, ears and heart open so you can continue to receive their love and support. And don’t wait for them to make the first move! Your loved ones who have transitioned appreciate knowing you’re thinking of them, too.